The final quality of a part has two basic fundamentals. The first is directly related to the manufacturing quality of a part. The second is the paint finish, which will give visual impact to the piece. And having the best tools and professionals guarantees the result.

In order to complete and complement our technological services to support the development of products and pre-series, we offer the possibility of giving the latest finishes to the parts, models and prototypes manufactured in a high-end paint booth, and with experienced professionals, thus ensuring the highest quality work. The best manufacturing and painting finishes.


  • Completion of products integrated to the same units, with benefits related to quality, confidentiality and reduction of execution time.
  • Professional finishing: quality is the result of using the best technological means and the best professionals with specific training and long experience in industrial modeling procedures (polishing, priming, painting…).


  • Combined with polishing processes, surface smoothing by imprimat for medium-quality prototypes in product development processes.
  • Ultra-high-quality finished parts for in-house presentations or trade shows.
  • Painted parts for final product, ready for commercialization and daily use.

Available equipment

DTM Vanguard HS

The Astra spray booth has the following features for both prototype and final parts painting.


  • Maximum measurement: 1.5 x 1.2 x 2 m –
  • Flow rate: 15.000 m3/h
  • Air velocity: 0,4 m/s