These 100% subsidized courses allow you to continue improving your professional skills through quality, practical training applicable to your job. They are aimed at active workers, both salaried and self-employed, and unemployed people.
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3D Design
3D printing
Parametric Three-Dimensional Design for 3D Printing
Design or replicate 3D printing models from measurement to final finish of the piece, learn and assimilate the use of specific software for 3D parametric design and its most common uses.
From 25/09/2024 to 28/10/2024
Mondays and Wednesdays from 18:00h to 21:00h
3D printing additive manufacturing
Knowing digital manufacturing technologies, and learning how to operate and parameterize
3D printers acquiring the necessary knowledge to carry out tasks
of 3D printing operator.
From 01/10/2024 to 31/10/2024
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00 h
Automation and robotics
In some of our training courses we use programming and simulation tools for industrial devices such as PLCs, SCADA, Robots…