Transparency Portal
CIM UPC belongs to the group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Our action is therefore public and we want to be transparent. In accordance with the state law 19/2013 of transparency, we put here at your disposal relevant information about who we are, what we are, what we do and how we do it, as well as the report of activities.
The board of trustees
The board of trustees exercises its functions of governance and management of CIM UPC in a collegiate manner and by adopting the relevant agreements in each case. (art. 18 Statutes of the CIM UPC 25/04/2013).
Daniel Crespo Artiga
President of the Board of Trustees
(Rector of the UPC)
Climent Molins Borrell
Vice President of the Board of Trustees
(Vice Chancellor of Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
Jordi Llorca Piqué
Member of the Board of Trustees
(Vice Chancellor for Research)
Laia Ferrer Martí
Member of the Board of Trustees
(Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Enric Fossas Colet
Member of the Board of Trustees
(Director of ETSEIB)
Àlvar Vinacua Pla
Member of the Board of Trustees
(Vice-rector of Digital Strategy and representative of UPCnet, S.L.)
Ivan Planas Miret
Member of the Board of Trustees
(Manager of UPC)
The Delegated Commission
The plenary session of the CIM UPC Board of Trustees may delegate, by agreement, all of its functions with the exception of those which, by means of these statutes or by legal provision, cannot be delegated. (art. 22 CIM UPC Statutes).
Ms. Laia Ferrer Martí
President of the Delegate Commission
(Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Mr. Climent Molins Borrell
Member of the Delegated Committee
(Vice Chancellor of Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
Mr. José María Cabrera Marrero
Member of the Delegated Committee
(General Director of the CIM UPC)