CEQUIP meets to promote public-private collaboration

The meeting will take place at the CIM UPC, in hybrid format, and will present the public-private funding lines of the new call of the ‘Challenges’ program of the AEI. CEQUIP member entities and UPC centers and groups will participate.

The Cluster of Capital Goods Manufacturers of Catalonia (CEQUIP) is holding a meeting at the CIM UPC next Tuesday, November 23rd. The aim of this conference is to present the public-private financing lines that will be present in the coming days within the program ‘Challenges’ of the AEI, in order to create partnership opportunities between the undertakings forming part of the grouping and the centres and groups of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya linked to technology transfer.

CEQUIP is a cluster that brings together several entities dedicated to the manufacture of materials and capital goods in Catalonia, among them, the center CIM UPC. Its mission is to ensure collaboration among member companies to share knowledge and expertise to advance the industry and adapt it to the changing context through innovation. This is the driving force that the group wants to transfer to all its member entities and throughout their respective production, distribution and market chains, in order to boost the sector in the Catalan industrial ecosystem. In this spirit, CEQUIP is developing several lines of action, from representation to the administration and the possibilities of dialogue with entities and the media, to the promotion of joint work between member companies with common projects, including the design of customized training and the management of meetings to address common objectives.

In the framework of the next day, the following will be presented lines of financing of the new call of theAgència Estatal d’Investigació (AEI) of Public-Private Collaboration of 2021 and dialogues will be established around it, especially in relation to the capacities of the participating entities, all with the idea of promoting joint work between entities that have a common objective that is framed within the challenges established in the AEI.

The session will begin at 12 noon, with an opening speech by José Mª Cabrera and Ricard Rocosa, Director General of the CIM UPC and Director of the CEQUIP respectively. The meeting will continue with the presentation of the aforementioned call, where Cristina Salinas, from the UPC’s Research and Innovation Support Service, will present the AEI call that is expected to open in the next few days, which is one of the main reasons for the meeting. This will be followed by a block of interventions aimed at learning about the capacity of UPC centers to be partners of companies interested in presenting a project to the call for proposals. It will be initiated by Antoni Álvarez, Executive Director of CIT-UPC, who will present the research and technology transfer capacity of the UPC in Advanced Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and Digitalization. Then it will be the turn of the Centre de Disseny d’Equips Industrials (CDEI) of the UPC, the director of which, Carles Domènech, will point out the capabilities of Design and Development of Products and Industrial Equipment. The last entity to make reference to its lines of action will be the host, the CIM UPC, the technological capabilities in 3D Printing and Industry 4.0 of which will be presented by Felip Fenollosa, I+D director. Finally, the closing speech will be given by Climent Molins, vice-rector of Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the UPC. Once finished, and optionally, attendees will be able to visit the CIM UPC Pilot Plant, para posteriormente participar en un networking de proyectos de colaboración, todo ello moderado por Roger Uceda, Director de Operaciones de la CIM UPC.

This session will mark, once again, the beginning of a new stage of research by the CIM UPC and all the other member entities of CEQUIP. The meeting will be in hybrid format, and attendees can choose to register to go in person or connect by streaming. Below you will have access to the forms of both formats.

Registration: presential

As for virtual attendance, upon receipt of registration we will provide you with a link to access the meeting.

Registration: online